Highlights from this paper include:
- rTMS can produce significant clinical improvement in various neurological and psychiatric disorders.
- Updated guidelines on the therapeutic use of rTMS are presented, including 2014–2018 publications.
- Higher evidence of efficacy is present in the areas of depression, pain, and postacute motor stroke.
Jean-Pascal Lefaucheur, André Aleman, Chris Baeken, David H. Benninger, Jérôme Brunelin, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro, Saša R. Filipovic, Christian Grefkes, Alkomiet Hasanm, Friedhelm C. Hummel, Satu K. Jääskeläinen, Berthold Langguth, Letizia Leocani, Alain Londero, Raffaele Nardone, Jean-Paul Nguyen, Thomas Nyffeler, Albino J. Oliveira-Maia, Antonio Oliviero, Frank Padbergm, Ulrich Palmm, Walter Paulus, Emmanuel Poulet, Angelo Quartarone, Fady Rachid, Irena Rektorová, Simone Rossi, Hanna Sahlsten, Martin Schecklmann, David Szekely, Ulf Ziemann.