The top 5 reasons why people with anxiety and depression avoid seeking help?

Anxiety And Depression

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, only 35% of Australians with anxiety and depression access treatment. The number of people suffering in silence is exceptionally high particularly when over three million people have anxiety and depression in Australia. Despite the increase in National spending on mental health services over the past decade and the dedicated increase of services available, a large proportion of people with anxiety and depression are still not getting the help and treatment they need. Here are some reasons preventing people from seeking treatment.

One of the most common reasons is the stigma that is associated with having a mental illness. Despite the awareness campaigns there is still a large proportion or people who are afraid of the consequences of having a mental illness diagnosis. Unfortunately stigma still surrounds mental illness and prevents people seeking help to address their situation.

Another common reason why people don’t access treatment is denial. Some people are unable to clearly see that they are suffering with anxiety and depression symptoms and therefore don’t feel that its necessary to seek any professional help.

There may be a lack of information about anxiety and depression. This may be due to cultural and language barriers which may prevent access to mental health treatment. There are some who think that the feelings will pass, as everyone has bad days right?, but they may not realise that extended feelings of depression need to be taken seriously.

Trust and opening up to a stranger can be another reason why people are reluctant to seeking help. The thought of telling a stranger about private feelings can be daunting as it is for most people but it is important to know that mental health professionals are there to help you and are not there to judge you. Also, personal information will remain confidential.

Having anxiety and depression can be debilitating and some people feel an overwhelming sense of hopelessness where they can see no point in the future, lack any optimism and feel very alone.

The very symptoms of anxiety and depression are often the very reasons why people find it is so difficult to seek professional help. Family and friends play a pivotal role in helping loved ones with anxiety and depression. Letting people in is extremely challenging for the individual yet incredibly important as they need the support to help themselves and get back on their feet. Support from family and friends involves being the listening ear without judgement, helping with finding the right health professional, showing care and concern, keeping calm, maintaining confidentiality and building trust.

There are many depression treatment options available out there and seeking help to find out which suits the individual best may take a little time and patience. Depression treatmentwhat is best for you may be a good place to start your research to find out about the various treatment options available. The most important thing of all is to keep seeking out new treatments and to never ever give up. Talk to your doctor and if you need to talk to someone in a crisis please call one of the support lines. Lifeline 13 11 14. MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

If your depression is severe and you would like to consider TMS treatment we are more than happy to chat to you about it, please give us a call on 1300 177 144.




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