If you have been diagnosed with Major Depression and are looking for an alternative depression treatment to anti-depressant medication, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) may just be right for you. To be a suitable patient for TMS therapy, you should consider the following factors.
First, think about having TMS when other treatments and medications are either ineffective or intolerable. For example, anti-depressants are commonly used, however, patients may experience side effects, like nausea, increased appetite and weight gain, loss of sexual desire, fatigue and drowsiness, insomnia, dry mouth, constipation. TMS is considered to be an ideal therapy when you are looking for an alternative depression treatment. The side effects associated with TMS are considered to be mild in comparison. Side effects may include scalp irritation during therapy and mild headaches.
Now, if you are under the age of 18, it is not recommended to have TMS as there is still ongoing research and monitoring in younger patients. Please keep in touch with us as we will provide you with updates as the research comes in. Also, TMS is not offered to pregnant women due to the limited research available on this specific group profile. For further information about whether you are suitable for TMS therapy please click the link https://www.sydneytms.com.au/who-is-tms-suitable-for/
Before starting your TMS treatment, you should be aware that the course of treatment is 20-30 sessions, each lasting approximately 40-45 minutes. Sessions are available daily from Monday to Friday and because you are fully awake during your session you simply go about with your regular routine immediately after your appointment. This is so you don’t have to worry about the treatment interfering with your other plans for the day! Maybe you’d like to go to your session in the morning so that you can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you need to do. It’s completely up to you! We want to make sure that you still get to go about your everyday lifestyle, and this treatment is just another appointment.
These are only a few things you need to consider before starting your TMS treatment. Make sure you do your research and talk to your GP or specialist about the idea before you decide. We can help you too just visit our website, www.sydneytms.com.au make an appointment to see us or call us on 1300 177 144